Welcome to the official Slide Me Designs blog! When you purchased your iPhone you had a measly 19 choices to select as your official wallpaper. Of course, those 19 can become tiresome really fast, so, we fill in the gap! Here you will find a ton of delectable eye candy that you can use to dress up your iPhone. Look at em', salivate over em', download em', but most importantly, use em'! Your iPhone with thank you.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Petals, originally uploaded by iCoty.

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.


Pier, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Piers have been built for several different purposes, and because these different purposes have distinct regional variances, the term pier tends to have different nuances of meaning in different parts of the world. Thus in North America and Australia, where many ports were, until recently, built on the multiple pier model, the term tends to imply a current or former cargo-handling facility. In Europe however, where ports have tended to use basins and river-side quays rather than piers, the term is principally associated with the image of a Victorian cast iron pleasure pier.

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Sweeping Current

Sweeping Current, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Apple Tablet PC is real, says Asus

Crave hangs with people in high places -- that's how we get exclusives and free food. A few weeks ago we were having a civilised dinner with our friends at Asus and angling for cool stories when we were told in a very hushed manner: "Asus is helping Apple build a Tablet PC."

We're tempted to ignore all Apple rumours because there's just so many of them, but this rings true because Asus is Apple's contract manufacturer. It's one of the companies responsible for...

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Sea Mist

Sea Mist, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Sea Mist by Chip Forelli

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.


Stones, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Paperweight, Doorstop, Skipping Stone? Lots of New Uses for Hacked iPhones

Presumably any iPhone owner who's tech-savvy enough to hack it is well aware of the consequences of installing Apple's 1.1.1 update. Anyone who misses, misunderstands or disbelieves the company's widespread warnings and loads the software onto the device anyway will seal its doom. The once fabulous smartphone will be neither smart, nor a phone -- but it might make a nice paperweight.

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Purple Frond

Purple Frond, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Palmaria palmata (L.) Kuntze, also called Dulse, dillisk, dilsk or creathnach, is a red algae (Rhodophyta) previously referred to as Rhodymenia palmata (Linnaeus) Greville. It grows on the northern coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is a well-known snack food, and in Iceland, where it is known as söl, it has been an important source of fiber through the centuries.

Wikipidia - Palmaria palmata

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Zen Garden

Zen Garden, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Don't let the stresses of life get you down so early in the year, or any time for that matter. This puzzle game will help you reach that calm state. Be zen and rake a beautiful zen rock garden puzzle while making sure you cover the whole surface. Or choose the "design" option and have your own zen rock garden on your desktop for your own creations. It's less messy than the one that sits on an actual desk, you know. by Lexaloffle


*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.


Tiger, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Tiger is the first version of Mac OS X to be supplied on a DVD rather than on CDs, although the DVD could originally be exchanged for CDs for $9.95. It is also the first version of Mac OS to have a version that ends in ".10".


*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Tranquil Surface

Tranquil Surface, originally uploaded by iCoty.

In a world where PCs constantly do battle with viruses and malware, Mac OS X is a sea of tranquility. Just go about your business and Mac OS X minds the fortress.


*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.


Wave, originally uploaded by iCoty.

We can reach the sea
They won't follow me
The shadows they fear the sun
We'll make it if we run


*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.


Lightning, originally uploaded by iCoty.

A tree of light, a tree of spark.
Light, then sound, paints the dark.
A beautiful work of natures touch.
the power to grasp, a bit too much.

The other side of this beauty's burst
lightning's force stabs at the earth
can stop a life or start fires anew
as rain surrounds the horizon's view.

But writers can have a similar spark
a lightning thought light's up their dark
the words appear with a muses touch
the literary challenge a bit too much.

The other side of this writers lament
the struggle for words to help cement
the meaning behind the story to tell
sometimes lost in the brain from hell.

-Michael Charles Messineo

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Evening Reflections

Evening Reflections, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Overcome by the power of memory, Ann Lord reveals a long-held secret to her concerned daughters; Constance, a content wife and mother, and Nina, a restless single woman. Both are bedside when Ann calls out for the man she loved more than any other. But who is this “Harris,” wonder her daughters, and what is he to our mother? While Constance and Nina try to take stock of Ann’s life and their own lives, their mother is tended to by a night nurse as she journeys in her mind back to a summer weekend some fifty years ago, when she was Ann Grant, a young woman who has come from New York City to be maid of honor at the high-society Newport wedding of her dearest friend from college, Lila Wittenborn. The bride-to-be is jittery, and turns to her maid-of-honor, rather than her own mother, for support. Ann stays close to her friend, yet is even closer to Lila's irrepressible brother Buddy. Unexpected feelings surge forth once Ann meets wedding guest Harris Arden, a lifelong friend and intimate of the Wittenborn family. Ann's love for Harris will change her life, and those of her daughters, forever.

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Flowing Rock

Flowing Rock, originally uploaded by iCoty.

A lava flow is a (moving) outpouring of lava, which is created during a non-explosive effusive eruption. When it has stopped moving, lava solidifies to form igneous rock. The term lava flow is commonly shortened to lava. Explosive eruptions produce a mixture of volcanic ash and other fragments called tephra, rather than lava flows. The word 'lava' comes from Italian, and is probably derived from the Latin word labes which means a fall or slide.

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Gentle Rapids

Gentle Rapids, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Some people like to play in
gentle rapids in tiny kayaks that slip and slide. Like skim
boarding, the goal is to catch a little run and then try again

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Uploaded by

Leaf Curl

Leaf Curl, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Did you know that a leaf curl is a plant disease caused by a fungus (genus Taphrina) or virus (especially genus Begomovirus of the family Geminiviridae) and characterized by curling of leaves. One of the most notable types is peach leaf curl, caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans.

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.


Agave, originally uploaded by iCoty.

The juice from many species of agave can cause acute contact dermatitis. It will produce reddening and blistering lasting one to two weeks. Episodes of itching may recur up to a year thereafter, even though there is no longer a visible rash. Irritation is, in part, caused by calcium oxalate raphides.

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Aqua Blue

Aqua Blue, originally uploaded by iCoty.

The Aqua theme and user interface was introduced at the January 2000 Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco.[2] Aqua's first appearance in a commercial product was in the July 2000 release of iMovie 2, in which the buttons and the scroll bar acquired the Mac OS X Aqua look, as well as in iTunes in January 2001.

Two primary features of Aqua are the gel-like buttons (colored red, yellow, and green) that control the windows, and the Dock, which facilitates the launching of and navigation between applications.

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Aqua Graphite

Aqua Graphite, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Most graphite is produced through the metamorphism of organic material in rocks. Even coal is occasionally metamorphosed into graphite. Some graphite is found in igneous rocks and also as nodules inside of iron meteorites.

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

Dandelion Seeds

Dandelion Seeds, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Pale little dandelion, in her white shroud,
Heareth the angel-breeze call from the cloud.
Tiny plumes fluttering, make no delay,
Little winged dandelion, soareth away.
- Helen Barron Bostwick

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.


Daisies, originally uploaded by iCoty.

bright sun on meadow
white daisies grow down hillside
avalanche like snow
- George E. Thompson

*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.


Cemented, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Check out the ground that you walk on. Often times the cement that your feet play with all day also provides great texture that will surely stimulate your eyes.

Clown Fish

Clown Fish, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Here we have the original clownfish wallpaper that Steve Jobs used to demo the iPhone when he first introduced it. Suprisingly, this never came preinstalled on the iPhone. Enjoy!


Grass, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Grass or weeds, whichever you prefer! I snapped this image while I was walking my dog. And yes, she did mark it as her territory.


Welcome to my new blog. Here you will find wallpaper added daily for your iPhone or iPod Touch. Visit daily for the newest designs. Have Fun!