Welcome to the official Slide Me Designs blog! When you purchased your iPhone you had a measly 19 choices to select as your official wallpaper. Of course, those 19 can become tiresome really fast, so, we fill in the gap! Here you will find a ton of delectable eye candy that you can use to dress up your iPhone. Look at em', salivate over em', download em', but most importantly, use em'! Your iPhone with thank you.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Tiger, originally uploaded by iCoty.

Tiger is the first version of Mac OS X to be supplied on a DVD rather than on CDs, although the DVD could originally be exchanged for CDs for $9.95. It is also the first version of Mac OS to have a version that ends in ".10".


*Part of the original Tiger series (Mac OS 10.4) of wallpapers.

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